What is the purpose of business? Is a business expected to have only one purpose? Can a business have multiple purposes?
What is the purpose of business? Is a business expected to have only one purpose? Can a business have multiple purposes?
What is the purpose of business? Is a business expected to have only one purpose? Can a business have multiple purposes?
Lack of self-awareness in leadership is a blind spot, and some blind spots can be fatal.
If someone were to be asked how creative he or she is, the answer could range from a feeble ‘I don’t know’ to ‘How dare you ask?’
We live in a period of history when large corporations are more powerful than nations and governments.
It has never ceased to amaze me how differently different people communicate. I know, I know - there’s nothing new about that.
Companies spend so much time working within the confines of their own operations, they often lose sight of what is going on outside their universe.
How often have you heard companies extol to their employees the virtues of being honest, open, committed, and up-front in their business dealings?
The world is spinning through a dangerous downward spiral. We are caught up in a financial crisis of epic proportions.
The present barely resembles the past. And the future is sure to be even more different. Change is everywhere - it is the essence of life, and we humans need to constantly learn to adapt to it. Based upon my observations, my experience gathered while working in several countries, I have put together a set of fifteen concepts. I call them e-concepts; a new set of rules of engagement, as it were. This presentation presents those e-concepts.
The landscape of this world is not even remotely like what it was. The educational and social systems that molded us as we grew into adulthood were designed several centuries ago. They have left us ill-prepared to deal with the realities surrounding us. For instance, we grew up learning to deal with a deterministic world. We actually live in a highly probablistic, random, and non-deterministic world. The disconnect is so severe.This presentation is directed at middle level leaders in all kinds of institutions, and offers some thoughts on how they may prepare themselves better to deal with the challenges that face them every day. It was developed and delivered by me to train a number of mid managers at some very well known European banks.